Academic Life Coaching

The Student Success Center, in partnership with other student support offices at University Park, is piloting an Academic Life Coaching program for the 2024-2025 academic year. The purpose of academic life coaching is to empower students to maximize their learning potential, develop effective study habits, enhance academic performance, and achieve their educational goals.

The Academic Life Coaching program at Penn State is a collaboration between various student support offices, including the Student Success Center, Penn State Learning, the Sokolov-Miller Family Financial and Life Skills Center, Student Care and Advocacy, Adult Learner Programs and Services, and Student Disability Resources.

What is Academic Life Coaching?
Academic Life Coaching is a strengths-based method of academic support focusing on self-empowerment, targeted learning, and goal setting.

Coaching is not affiliated with any one specific college, and it is different from advising, counseling, and mentoring. During coaching sessions, which typically last 30-60 minutes, students can expect to discuss topics such as: 

  • Establishing & maintaining a school/life balance, productivity
  • Academic relationships, connection, and communication
  • Motivation and self-empowerment
  • Goal setting and action planning
  • Academic strategies for reading, note-taking, studying, and testing success

How do students receive academic coaching at University Park?
In the pilot phase of the program, students are assigned a coach by referral only. Coaches are currently accepting referrals from network partners. Current network partners include the Student Success Center, Penn State Learning, the Sokolov-Miller Family Financial and Life Skills Center, Student Care and Advocacy, Adult Learner Programs and Services, and Student Disability Resources. 

How do student support offices become network partners?
To become a network partner, offices must commit to supporting at least one staff member in becoming trained in Academic Life Coaching through an International Coaching Federation-accredited program.  

How are coaches trained?
Academic Life Coaches have each undergone an extensive six-month training program that is accredited through the International Coach Federation. The current coaches in the Academic Life Coaching pilot program at University Park have attended a 26-week training program through Coach Training Edu.

To learn more about the Academic Life Coaching program at University Park, please refer to our FAQs or contact the Student Success Center.