Alpha Alpha Alpha: First-Generation Honor Society
Alpha Alpha Alpha, or Tri-Alpha, is an honor society for students who will be first in their families to complete a bachelor's degree. The national society was founded March 24, 2018 at Moravian College (now Moravian University) in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania. Following the successful induction at Moravian, the College took steps to incorporate Alpha Alpha Alpha so that chapters could be started on other campuses across the country. Tri-Alpha exists as a not-for-profit (501(c)3) organization, for the purposes of supporting the activities of the honors society.
The Eta Psi chapter (Penn State - University Park) of the Tri-Alpha National Honor Society inducted its first class on April 22, 2024, becoming the fourth chapter at Penn State. Be sure to follow Eta Psi on Instagram to learn more about their efforts. Current members are encouraged to join the member-only LinkedIn group.
Undergraduate students, graduate students, faculty/staff, and alumni are eligible to apply, if they meet the membership criteria listed below.

Applications for the 2024-2025 cohort are now closed; applicants will receive membership decisions before spring break.
Should you have any questions, please email the Eta Psi Chapter advisor, Chelsey Walls at or the Eta Psi Chapter President, Nathaniel Hendricks at
Eligibility and Dues:
Student Member
Currently enrolled undergraduate students at University Park must have:
- earned at least 42 credits toward a bachelors degree by the end of the fall 2024 semester
- at least a 3.2 cumulative GPA
- a recommendation submitted by current Penn State faculty or staff member
- a brief statement (300-words maximum) explaining why you wish to join Tri-Alpha
Currently enrolled masters or doctoral students at University Park must have:
- earned at least 18 credits by the end of the fall 2024 semester
- at least a 3.5 cumulative GPA
- a recommendation submitted by current Penn State faculty or staff member
- a brief statement (300-words maximum) explaining why you wish to join Tri-Alpha
One-time (lifetime) individual student member dues: $20.00
Faculty/Staff (Honorary) Member
Current Penn State staff, administration, or faculty members at University Park must:
- be employed in their current role for at least two consecutive semesters (excluding summer) by the end of the fall 2024 semester (spring and fall).
- have a recommendation from a current first-generation Penn State student at the primary level at which they instruct, advise, or otherwise support (undergraduate or graduate)
- identify as a first-generation college student or have demonstrated advocacy for first-generation student success
- provide a brief statement (300 words maximum) explaining why you wish to join Tri-Alpha
One-time (lifetime) individual honorary member dues: $40.00
Alumni Member
Former Penn State students who completed their (bachelor's, master's, or doctoral) degree at University Park must have:
- a recommendation submitted by at least one current member of the Penn State community (faculty, staff, students, etc.)
- identify as a first-generation college student or have demonstrated advocacy for first-generation student success
One-time (lifetime) individual alumni member dues: $40.00
Membership Benefits:
Tri-Alpha offers qualifying members access to the following benefits and resources:
- Lifetime membership
- Leadership, career, and academic development opportunities
- A certificate and pin at initiation
- Public recognition of acceptance/induction
- Mentorship connections and networking opportunities
Plus direct and continued access to:
- a community of scholars from a wide variety of academic disciplines and roles, including undergraduate and graduate students, faculty, staff, administrators, and alumni
- employers, experienced professionals, and graduate school advice and guidance
- a supportive environment that promotes academic excellence
Tri-Alpha Across Penn State:
In addition to University Park, Tri-Alpha has chapters at the following Penn State campuses:
- Abington - Alpha Epsilon chapter
- Altoona - Theta Chi chapter
- Berks - Lambda Beta chapter
- Greater Allegheny - Kappa Upsilon chapter
- Hazleton - Mu Rho chapter
- Lehigh Valley - Eta Iota chapter
- Scranton - Lambda Omicron chapter
- York - Kappa Delta chapter
Student members who are initiated into one chapter but changing campus/transferring can request membership at the Tri-Alpha chapter at their new campus. Reach out to your advisor for more information on this process.