Prior Events

SPRING 2024 - First-Gen Student Support Summit

The 2024 Summit will focus on intersectionality and the first-gen experience, and how intersecting social and political identities (race/ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, class, disability, religion, age, nationality/immigration status, mental health, and "home" geography/location) relate to systems of oppression and discrimination. All sessions will be hosted virtually through Zoom and streamed on the Whova platform.

A full list and details for the 2024 Summit can be found here.

SPRING 2023 - First-Gen Student Support Summit

The 2023 Summit took take place on March 29 from 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. The Summit, which featured both virtual and in-person components, was an opportunity for participants to share best practices, network with one another, and cultivate a community of practice across the University. The Summit prominently featured the voices of first-generation students, whose firsthand perspectives can inform efforts to support and advocate for this student population. The 2023 First-Gen Student Support Summit focused on the theme of mentorship.

A full list and details for the 2023 Spring Summit can be found here.

Fall 2022 - First-Gen College Celebration DAY

The Student Success Center hosted its third annual First-Generation College Celebration on November 8, 2022. The event was co-hosted with First-Gen Advocates student org and featured a HUB takeover at the University Park campus, a panel discussion that focused on pathways to career and graduate school, and promoted over 22 events happening across the Commonwealth.

A full list and details for the 2022 celebration can be found here and by following #PSUFirstGen on social media.

2022 Press Release

SPRING 2022 - Inaugural First-Gen Student Support Summit

The Student Success Center hosted the first annual First-gen Student Support Summit on May 4, 20222. This virtual, one-day conference served as an opportunity to recognize and strengthen Penn State’s first-generation community. The summit incorporated allies of first-gen students to share best practices, network with one another, and cultivate a community of practice across Penn State. The event featured the voices of first-generation students themselves, whose firsthand perspectives can inform our efforts to support and advocate for this important population.

2022 Press Release

2022 Agenda and Recorded Presentations

Fall 2021 - First-Gen College Celebration DAY

The Student Succes Center hosted its second annual First-Generation College Celebration from November 8-10. The three-day event was hosted in close collaboration with the First-Gen Advocates student organization. The event kicked off with prizes, giveaways, and community building in the HUB-Robison Center. FGA hosted a keynote speaker, Eric Thomas followed by a networking event. Eric's keynote focused on building resilience and the importance of working through transitions and establishing interdependence for first-generation students. The SSC hosted two nights of first-gen focused panels, “Voices of the Penn State First-Gen Community,” on November 9, and “We Are First-Gen: Bridging intersecting stories of the Penn State student experience,” on November 10. Throughout the week, Penn State students, staff, and faculty identifying as first-generation were invited to share their first-generation stories or offer advice for other first-generation Penn Staters. Submissions were shared on both the Student Success Center’s website and First Gen Advocates’ website, Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook accounts.

Additional celebratory events were hosted across the University.

2021 Press Release

Keynote Recap

Keynote Address and Panel Recordings