First-Gen Advocates

First-Gen Advocates (FGA) is a registered student organization at University Park that aims to amplify first-gen students' voices while building a community for first-gen students at Penn State. FGA and the Penn State Chaiken Center for Student Success offer personal, leadership, and career development opportunities. The organization’s student leaders work to provide important resources to support student success and host social events for first-generation students to network and connect. The Center advises FGA and works closely with them to cultivate first-generation student leadership excellence to help the org and its leaders in their partnership-building and advocacy work.

FGA Events, Information, and Opportunities:

FGA premiere meetings events include:

All current students at University Park are invited to join FGA. Find out more here. 

  • Four students smile at camera while holding #PSUFirstGen signs
  • Students standing in front of a table at an involvement fair with a tri-fold poster behind them
  • Two students standing behind a table wearing First-Gen Advocates shirts